
Welcome Once Again

Recently, I had been having this strong urge to write a post for my blog that I had painstakingly edited and fine-tuned to my taste (not the makeshift one on substack). To my utter horror, when I tried to log in, I found out my website no longer existed.

What? How? When?!!!

I contacted my domain and hosting providers and found out that because I hadn’t renewed my hosting in time, I had lost it. To make matters worse, seeing as I hadn’t backed up my content, I lost all that too.😭 I tried not to cry because how will that solve anything?

So I paid for my hosting, got on my beloved WordPress and started all over again. Yes, I did lose a lot of golden stuff that was loved and appreciated by a lot of people (thank you🙏🏼), but hey, I get to say welcome once again!

As usual, most of my content would be around my motherhood journey which gained some additional responsibilities last year and I am grateful for every single moment so far. Now, I have two precious ones – ACE and Chet (a pet name pronounced like the french with the ‘t’ silent) – who give me immense joy and at the same time, enough stress to last a lifetime.😅 I will also be scribbling about my travels and short holidays, reviewing the places visited, hotels stayed at, restaurants dined and things done during these holidays. Lastly, I might be introducing a new topic that I am yet to decide on so watch out!

I do hope you would stay tuned to my blog and scribblings and I would try to give you premium content all the time.😉


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